- Riggs, Damien W., and Elizabeth Peel. Critical Kinship Studies : An Introduction to the Field, Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016. ProQuest Ebook Central,
- Donna Haraway: "From Cyborgs to Companion Species",
- “Table of State Commercial Pet Breeders Laws”, Rebecca F. Wisch, 2017,
- Phinizy, Coles. “The Lost Pets That Stray to the Labs - Sports Illustrated Vault.” Sports Illustrated Vault |, November 29, 1965.
- Heidi J. Nast. Book Review: The companion species manifesto: dogs, people, and significant otherness.
cultural geographies, SAGE Publications, 2005, 12 (1), pp.118-120. ff10.1177/147447400501200113ff.
Development - final directions
Direction: I came up with the idea, instead of rating the companion species for human interests, I will rate human species best characteristics as from the perspectives of domesticated animals.
My direction was, before having the conversation with Monika, to make a “Best-of lists” youtube video about the most contributive domesticated animals for human needs. I wanted the video be delivered in an ironic tone, which states animals as if they were only tools and purchases human can make leaving the crucial industrial practice in blind.
Advices that Monika gave me:
other than presenting the crucial fact, how my study can be brought into the existing field
shift perspective
Inspired by this website, which lists many pure and mix breed dogs’ characteristics for owner purpose, I decide to reverse my first person view from human to animals, and create a video about “best human traits” that animals might looking for.
Creating this “human criteria” as the guideline for voice-over script
human-companion criteria
- adaptability(tolerance of mess, tolerance of volume, tolerance of oder )
- health (allergy, agility, life span, BMI Index)
- personality (psychological needs, past experience, ptsd)
- social status (employment status, educational background, family background)
- vital stats: gender, age
Development - executive directions