This is an alternative for current practice of individuals scanning business or onsite QR code which leads to record updates for their personal health code database.
Instead of taking the action to scan business QR code, I decided to make my costume a scan-able item and passively be scanned by encounters. For this prototype, with signifier, people who meet me can use their phone to scan my code, which leads to a website I created that will record our encounter location and time with user permission.
The website behind the QR
Seeing the ultimate goal of applying the health code of China is to precisely monitor people’s interaction and digitize citizen’s interaction for controlling spread of the virus (or just any purposes), though to manage individual-to-individual interaction requires somewhat an impossible calculation and database, I think that is the utopian technology the government is trying to create.
you can scan it
Timestamps that have been collected at the backend
Phone is probably the most intricate device that is inevitable in urban life. The idea is by adding a bio-tech sensor onto phones, virus can be detected instantly when user sneeze. Incidence will be automatically reported as positive case to the local public safety department. officer arrive and lock the positive case on site.(sketch of the idea)